The Dillard family.


Joe and Carrie Dillard are passionate about seeing people's lives changed by the power of God. Joe has always had a heart for the world and has traveled to over 20 countries. As a young child, Joe and his family lived for several years in Accra, Ghana, West Africa as missionaries. His dad built a platform on the back of their motor home and preached all over West Africa. His mother interpreted his messages in French. Now, forty years later, there are almost 500 churches that have sprung up from their time as missionaries in West Africa. Returning to the states, his dad pioneered a church in Indiana where Joe grew up in a pastor's home. Yet, there was a period of time when Joe struggled to know whether God had any purpose for him, when God's mission for his life was lying dormant. But Joe encountered the love of God and it spurred him to rise up from that place of aimlessness into the unique purpose that God had for his life. 

Joe and Carrie desire to help men and women discover their God-given purpose and fulfill their destiny. Joe has worked in business, financial services and education for over 20 years. He is the founder of Propel Ministries and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Human Resources Management from Oklahoma Wesleyan university and is a graduate of Domata School of Ministry, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Carrie, is a graduate of the University of Iowa and Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Joe and Carrie live in Tulsa with their three awesome kids. They both have worked in ministry and served in local church ministry of helps for 16 years, in various areas including children's ministry, ushering, small groups and nursing home ministry.