Strong Marriage = No Secrets
There are no walls in a healthy marriage.
We give up our right of privacy in marriage. Our spouse should have unhindered access to every part of our lives. Except for the occasional surprise party for your spouse, there can be no secrets in a successful covenant relationship. No secret passwords, websites, social media, work relationships, bank accounts, credit cards.
Gen 2:25 says, “now the man and the wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.” They were completely exposed; nothing was hidden from the other. In a secure relationship, our life is an open book. We shouldn’t have private parts to our life that we hide.
MARRIAGE TRANSPARENCY KEY #1 Give your spouse first priority. If you’ve got important news, make sure you share it with your spouse first. It establishes transparency and trust. Do not talk to your best friend or mother, before sharing it with your spouse. Do not call your Dad first when some big decision needs to be made or the car is not working right—your husband/wife should be the first person you go to.
MARRIAGE TRANSPARENCY KEY #2 Expose anything secret to your spouse. When we talk to couples about this, we call it “FULL DISCLOSURE”. Shine a light on everything so that the enemy has no foothold in your marriage. When you fully disclose thoughts, intents, and actions, you take the power away from the devil. The Bible says that, “God is LIGHT, and in Him is no darkness at all.” We have a spiritual enemy. Satan is real and wants to separate us through lies and deception. Sins of addiction lose their power and dark hold when they are confessed and exposed. Call it what it is, turn the light on it, and take care of it right then.
Secrecy is the enemy of intimacy.. It is often the conversations that we DON’T have, which single-handedly hold the power to hurt a marriage. Here’s the key to avoiding ALOT of problems: A personal commitment to truth will protect the marriage, and provide an environment where love can grow. If I know that my spouse is honest and truthful with me in our marriage, then I can be vulnerable to him/her.
ACTION ITEM: Take inventory of your personal life. Is there anything that needs “full disclosure”? Catch your spouse up on any conversations in your text strings from this week she/he may not know about.